The scarce hard paste porcelain figure modelled as a seated Mr Punch in an armchair formed as a lidded jar, polychrome painted with a copper lustre glazes with tassel hat cover and surviving from late nineteenth century Europe.
The condition is very good with only slight wear to the painted surface, a few tiny firing faults, and no major damages. There is a paper label to the reverse and a painted number to the inner lid.
With his dastardly grin and hooked nose, Mr Punch is the most famous puppet of all time. From roots in seventeenth century Italy, Punch and his chums were first seen in England when Charles II, came to the throne and more relaxed times resumed after the rule of Oliver Cromwell. Revelry was once more in fashion and the public's taste was all for amusement and novelty, paving the way for the clowning Mr Punch to cackle all the way into the twenty first century.
This piece has similarities with a rare Staffordshire model, about 40 years earlier. This example looks to be Austrian/Czech by the style of slip moulding and should be around 1870-1890.
A mischievous and dastardly decorative jar to hold whatever your chosen vice is.